
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

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letter18 - To `Abdullah ibn `Abbas, his Governor over Basrah

You should know that Basrah is the place where Satan descends and mischief takes place. Keep the people of this place pleased with good treatment and remove the knots of fear from their hearts. I have come to know of your strictness and harshness with Banu Tamim. Banu Tamim are such that if one star sets, another rises for them. They were never exceeded in (the art of) war in pre-Islamic times or after Islam. They have a special kinship with us and a particular relationship. We shall be rewarded if we pay heed to the tie of kinship and be deemed sinful if we disregard it. O Abul-`Abbas! May Allah have mercy on you! Keep yourself restrained in whatever you say or do, in anything good or bad relevant to your people, as we are both partners in this (responsibility). Prove yourself according to my good impressions about you, and do not prove my opinion (about you) to be wrong, and this is the end of the matter.

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